Submission Protocol

Biopsy Sample:

  1. Transfer the surgically removed sample immediately to the formalin container provided in the sample box.
  2. Ensure that the lid of the formalin container is tightly closed to prevent leakage of formalin.
  3. Place the container in the plastic bag.
  4. Fill the submission form with the patient information.
  5. Place this form in the pouch of the above plastic bag.
  6. Now transfer the plastic bag to the rectangular box.
  7. Print pre-paid label from UPS mailed earlier to the clinic.
  8. Using adhesive tape fix the label on the sample box.
  9. The box is now ready for shipment.
  10. Carry the box to a nearest UPS center or call UPS for pick-up.

Cytology Sample:

  1. Carefully place the fine needle aspirate over clean dry glass slides.
  2. Gently spread and air dry the smears.
  3. Recommend to stain a slide to ensure the smears contain adequate cells (other than blood cells).
  4. Both stained and unstained slides are placed in two separate  slide holders.
  5. Place the slide holders in the sample box.
  6. Fill the submission form with the patient information.
  7. Place this form in sample box.
  8. Print pre-paid label from UPS mailed previously to the clinic.
  9. Using adhesive tape fix the label on the sample box.
  10. The box is now ready for shipment.
  11. Carry the box to a nearest UPS center or call UPS for pick-up.

Download Submission Form: